Seems like Europe is returning to what is was before guns were invented: a wet bit on the end of Asia, full of violent people.

As for the raging about 0.001% of the population, classic diversion tactics. While everyone is foaming at the mouth about about trans issues, what is happening under the radar? John Michael Greer had a good recent post about it, with some lucid comments afterwards by trans people where she (post-surgery male to female) is scared about the beatings she's going to get because of the actions of trans activists.

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"auctoritas non veritas facit legem" from Leviathan, Hobbes

I have, similarly as with the climatic changes (point of no return) however won the conviction that we have already exceeded the zenith of social ethics. Where is the legal power to control something like AI, or to grant the "AI products" a legal position so they’re not in limbo like most of animals…

Just 2 days ago the unelected EU bureaucracy abolished the right of journalists to protect their sources with the reference to "national security". This is a French initiative, i.e. from the country where there are only peasants and lawyers and disagreeable publications are simply blocked. Also, Ukraine is not only a distraction, because BlackRock and Co. are being showered with tax money from the G7 countries for their contractually guaranteed contract work for the "reconstruction". And there is no possibility to sue against it. The taxpayers will never see their money again. The principle of wealth distribution has now reached a very high speed and has become so diverse that the few critical observers can hardly keep up at least not to lose completely the overview.

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