Excellent! Great breakdown. One comment to add. You mention US elites should perhaps revisit their actions after WW2 when they shared a bit of wealth with the general populace to defuse the situation. I certainly agree. However, the circumstances after WW2 were somewhat different. The problem elites faced was that they had had to mobilize the population to fight the war and thereby imbued in them consciousness of their united power. Thus 1946 and 1947 saw an explosion of strikes and union power. The most in US history. The horse had escaped from the barn. They desperately tried to reharness it with the Taft-Hartley Act, which effectively bogged unions down in a morass of rules and turned them into bureaucracies embroiled in legalisms. But even with that measure, union power and massive strikes continued through the fifties into the sixties before it was finally worn down from exhaustion. Lesson: never mobilize and unite the population. The wars that followed--Korea, Vietnam, the Gulf Wars, etc--were very consciously "Guns and butter" wars. The population was not asked to sacrifice and even that vestige of mass mobilization, conscription, was eventually abandoned. The tried and true method of "divide and rule" has thus been the norm. Keep everyone fighting about race, gender, religion and "values" issues and decapitate potential leadership by smearing anyone who mentions economic or class issues as a godless communist. This prevents the kind of unity necessary for a coherent mass movement that could challenge elites. That's where we in the U.S. are now--and it's a very tough nut to crack.
A great point, when Wolin typified the current US system as "Inverted Totalitarianism" he noted that a major distinction between that and fascism was that the general populace was politically demobilized rather than mobilized. This demobilization may be breaking down, hence the need for "divide and conquer" extremes and much greater censorship. I think that Occupy Wall Street, that specifically identified the ruling class as a class enemy may have been very disquieting to the elites.
I really don't think that much can be done for the West, the die is cast. For any individual, perhaps move to another country if possible. If the current young generation is having it bad, I think that the next one will have it worse. The economic and financial fundamentals of the West are disastrous, and the elites unwilling to give up anything to improve things.
Unfortunately, as soon as I read a sentence that suggests somebody is gullible enough to believe in the climate change lie I lose the will to read the rest, even though you are right about the West screwing everything up.
Thank you for your reply, Roger. So I read the rest of your article. I guess that is why I started following your writing, because I think you make your points about the West causing mayhem very well.
At root the war the West is raging is a culture war between the West elites secular atheism and the East's kneeling before God, as people like Crooke, Escobar and Hayes suggest. Even an arch liberal like Naomi Wolff suggests it is culture. I'm not sure how you see that.
Do you realize that the idea of climate change was launched by Malthusian fascists fifty years ago as a way to a one world fascist government, knowing it was a lie?
The Western ruling classes have been evil and unethical for so long such things become extreme, and extremely anti-humanist. Whether it be religion or the socialism mixed with the historical patterns of China, the Eastern elites tend to be more humanity, ethically and legally based. But we have to be careful with such parallels as the socialism of Cuba is still a vast improvement over the previous US domination, and the communism of the Soviet Union much better than the absolute monarchy of Imperial Russia.
Its is more about the world view of the elites, whether that be one of service or one of domination and exploitation. Religion can serve both of these, as we saw with the "White Man's Christian Burden" excuse of colonial exploitations and outright genocide (as the Zionist regime currently uses its religious book to support its creation of its own lebensraum).
Climate change is real. Whether it is 100% normal/natural or influenced by human activity, it is happening. In the 20+ years I've lived in Maine, we've gained ~a month at each end of the growing season. Bugs & weeds that never came this far north have moved in. The growing zones have been moved to reflect that reality. I was in Zone 3 when I moved here. Now zone 4-5.
Don't believe that who invented the concept of climate change matters. The question is, is it real. Of course it is. Undeniably so. Is it man-made? Frankly don't know, but I do know that we are in the thrall of fossil fuels controlled largely by predatory mega-corporations and the vile Saudis. It's smelly and disgusting and its pollution kills millions. For those reasons alone we, like the Chinese, ought to be going at breakneck speed to develop alternatives. Speaking of the Chinese, it is precisely the godless Chinese--who believe in no afterlife, and who believe, not in a Devine figure, but in Confucius and the Communist Party--who make resistance to the globalist Hegemon a credible project.
Excellent! Great breakdown. One comment to add. You mention US elites should perhaps revisit their actions after WW2 when they shared a bit of wealth with the general populace to defuse the situation. I certainly agree. However, the circumstances after WW2 were somewhat different. The problem elites faced was that they had had to mobilize the population to fight the war and thereby imbued in them consciousness of their united power. Thus 1946 and 1947 saw an explosion of strikes and union power. The most in US history. The horse had escaped from the barn. They desperately tried to reharness it with the Taft-Hartley Act, which effectively bogged unions down in a morass of rules and turned them into bureaucracies embroiled in legalisms. But even with that measure, union power and massive strikes continued through the fifties into the sixties before it was finally worn down from exhaustion. Lesson: never mobilize and unite the population. The wars that followed--Korea, Vietnam, the Gulf Wars, etc--were very consciously "Guns and butter" wars. The population was not asked to sacrifice and even that vestige of mass mobilization, conscription, was eventually abandoned. The tried and true method of "divide and rule" has thus been the norm. Keep everyone fighting about race, gender, religion and "values" issues and decapitate potential leadership by smearing anyone who mentions economic or class issues as a godless communist. This prevents the kind of unity necessary for a coherent mass movement that could challenge elites. That's where we in the U.S. are now--and it's a very tough nut to crack.
A great point, when Wolin typified the current US system as "Inverted Totalitarianism" he noted that a major distinction between that and fascism was that the general populace was politically demobilized rather than mobilized. This demobilization may be breaking down, hence the need for "divide and conquer" extremes and much greater censorship. I think that Occupy Wall Street, that specifically identified the ruling class as a class enemy may have been very disquieting to the elites.
I think you're right about the disquieting effect. "Safe haven" assets had a price spike in 2011.
What can be done?:/
I really don't think that much can be done for the West, the die is cast. For any individual, perhaps move to another country if possible. If the current young generation is having it bad, I think that the next one will have it worse. The economic and financial fundamentals of the West are disastrous, and the elites unwilling to give up anything to improve things.
Thank you for your reply, Roger. That has been my conclusion too, unfortunately. I hope we are wrong.
As always Roger, a good read. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.
Truth. Thanks for posting, Roger.
Unfortunately, as soon as I read a sentence that suggests somebody is gullible enough to believe in the climate change lie I lose the will to read the rest, even though you are right about the West screwing everything up.
You are welcome to your own delusions, while whatever country you are in is still somewhat free.
Thank you for your reply, Roger. So I read the rest of your article. I guess that is why I started following your writing, because I think you make your points about the West causing mayhem very well.
At root the war the West is raging is a culture war between the West elites secular atheism and the East's kneeling before God, as people like Crooke, Escobar and Hayes suggest. Even an arch liberal like Naomi Wolff suggests it is culture. I'm not sure how you see that.
Do you realize that the idea of climate change was launched by Malthusian fascists fifty years ago as a way to a one world fascist government, knowing it was a lie?
We will agree to disagree on climate change!
The Western ruling classes have been evil and unethical for so long such things become extreme, and extremely anti-humanist. Whether it be religion or the socialism mixed with the historical patterns of China, the Eastern elites tend to be more humanity, ethically and legally based. But we have to be careful with such parallels as the socialism of Cuba is still a vast improvement over the previous US domination, and the communism of the Soviet Union much better than the absolute monarchy of Imperial Russia.
Its is more about the world view of the elites, whether that be one of service or one of domination and exploitation. Religion can serve both of these, as we saw with the "White Man's Christian Burden" excuse of colonial exploitations and outright genocide (as the Zionist regime currently uses its religious book to support its creation of its own lebensraum).
Climate change is real. Whether it is 100% normal/natural or influenced by human activity, it is happening. In the 20+ years I've lived in Maine, we've gained ~a month at each end of the growing season. Bugs & weeds that never came this far north have moved in. The growing zones have been moved to reflect that reality. I was in Zone 3 when I moved here. Now zone 4-5.
Don't believe that who invented the concept of climate change matters. The question is, is it real. Of course it is. Undeniably so. Is it man-made? Frankly don't know, but I do know that we are in the thrall of fossil fuels controlled largely by predatory mega-corporations and the vile Saudis. It's smelly and disgusting and its pollution kills millions. For those reasons alone we, like the Chinese, ought to be going at breakneck speed to develop alternatives. Speaking of the Chinese, it is precisely the godless Chinese--who believe in no afterlife, and who believe, not in a Devine figure, but in Confucius and the Communist Party--who make resistance to the globalist Hegemon a credible project.