Aug 9Liked by Roger Boyd

So WADA squeals on USADA to try and save its own butt.

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Exactly, reads like the script of a police show

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Roger, some speculate - with pretty good circumstantial evidence - that the US has gone far beyond the tactics you describe above.


So geopolitics and subterfuge guide Empire's actions in sports competition as well. In this case they were able to kill two birds with one stone: Cripple Russia's team and cast a negative light or distract from the positives in Beijing. Here's brief cut from near the end of the article:

"Since 2014, the U.S. and Western allies have imposed sanctions, waged information war, and treated Russia as an enemy. The U.S. does not hide its animosity toward and goal to weaken Russia. The 2019 RAND Corporation report titled “Overextending and Unbalancing Russia” is an example. Commissioned by the U.S. Defense Department, the report discusses tactics and strategies to “weaken Russia.”

The report recommends, “Undermining Russia’s image…diminishing Russian standing and influence…Western efforts to damage Russia’s international prestige can be effective if broadly implemented. Further sanctions, the removal of Russia from non-UN international forums, and boycotting of international events are largely within the power of Western states to unilaterally implement and would damage Russian prestige…the loss of international sporting events or access to key forums is likely to deepen concerns within Russia that the current regime might not be effectively pursuing policies that are returning Russia to glory.”

International sports, with the Olympic Games being paramount, are an important part of a nation’s image abroad and at home. With its goal of “undermining Russia’s image,” the U.S. establishment had a motive in preventing Russians from winning at the Olympics. Figure skating is one of the most widely watched Olympics events and a Russian sweep of the medals, with Valieva leading the way, would impress the viewing public and enhance Russia’s image. It is impossible to look at Valieva’s skating and not be impressed with her artistry and skill.

At the end of October 2021, US secret services knew that Valieva was likely to win the figure skating gold.at the Olympics in February. Commentators at Ice Skate Canada International made that clear . That may be when the decision was taken to sabotage Valieva. All they had to do was insure she had one positive doping test.

Does the CIA have the MEANS to do that? Could they contaminate some food or drink or cosmetic of the target? Could they replace the pill or capsule of a legitimate supplement that Kamila took with one contaminated with TMZ? Could they replace a water or juice bottle with a contaminated one? Yes. If necessary, the CIA has their own chemical laboratory.

Undoubtedly they could also find an OPPORTUNITY. From CIA and Mossad accounts, we know that they begin by surveilling a target for days, weeks or months to learn their routine. They learn when the target is home, when they leave, what stores they frequent, etc . All they had to do was break into Kamila’s home or the hotel room in St. Petersburg to contaminate some food or beverage or replace some medication with something contaminated with TMZ. Selective sabotage is part of their business. There is a long history of far worse actions done by the CIA to advance the US “national interest”.

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I am sure that China is guarding its athletes against such things with great care, as the Russians will have to learn to do in the future. I do not put anything past the West in their strivings to maintain their power.

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Yes, their medical team is TCM-heavy and extremely vigilant. TCM is fundamentally an energy medicine, and it gives Chinese athletes a fighting chance against performance-enhancing drugs.

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No where near enough US citizens give a flying F about this. In the upcoming “elections” this will not be a factor both candidates will continue support for this kind of behavior. We are exceptional and the indispensable nation civilization will return to the dark ages if we loose power. For the USA there are three kinds of people: Us - barbarians - and savages.

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