well written take down roger... thanks...

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What I like about Roger Boyd's writings is that it shows bigger picture and connecting vast different issues.

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Which side are you on ? Do you

1) keep blaming Russia for wot Donald Trump did, or,

2) keep blaming Donald Trump for wot Russia did ?

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An utterly false choice. What did Russia do to be blamed for? How did Trump have anything to with what Russia did? Also its "what" not "wot".

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i suggest you invest/waste another zillion dollars in another bogus robert mueller investigation to find out!!

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Bold and honest analysis Roger! I’m tracking! Thank you.

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Nice succinct analysis of the lawless , cruel parasitic demise inhabiting the West.

The truth of what you say will soon be so evident as NATO comes under direct attack in the EU.

I’d think the people of these vassal counties will be grateful their traitorous leaders are finally vanquished .

Its noted voting had no influence or say in what they do.

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