What you appear to be implying is that the EU's ruling class is quite ready to de-industrialise in much the way that both the US and the UK have and switch their capital to low wage authoritarian countries, at least until all trace of the post 45 Social democratic settlements have been erased. And the poor are once again biddable enough to make employing them profitable.

Within this sort of standard class war politics, faux green programmes are just another stick for the dog abusers.

As to the Greens: no surprises there. In both Germany and France the '68ist Green radicals vey quickly resolved themselves into freelance demagogues like Joshka Fischer . Like the OUN German greens have roots which include blood and soil fascism.

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What people don’t realise is that even green cars are way too polluting and expensive , if you factor in how much pollution and how many resources are consumed building the cars . You need lots of precious metals that are toxic to produce , and very energy intensive. Lifetime cost to the Earth is still cheaper with petrol engines.

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thanks roger... this is an excellent overview, however cynical it may appear to some based on their ( msm) conditioning...

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