"a new right wing coalition of National Rally, France Unbowed, and Reconquest who combined got 46.5% of the French vote in the European elections. .."

If 'France Unbowed" is the Melenchon party this analysis is unlikely.

Much more likely is a coalition including Macron's Vichy backers and Le Pen's.

I think that you underestimate Starmer's malevolence, too- he is a very sinister creature of the Security services, and no amount of soft left MPs in his backbenches will have any effect on his government. We have already seen during the past eight months how ineffective the rump of soft socialists has had on his support for Israel.

The good news is that Europe's decline into political and economic irrelevance means that what the next generation of clowns in office thinks is of little interest to anyone except their corporate paymasters.

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Thankyou for catching that error, I have fixed it.

I very much agree that Starmer is a very dangerous individual, heavily connected to the security services and even blessed by the Crown.

Your last paragraph is good for the Rest of the World, but very bad for the European population. It may very well become the declining archipelago at the end of EurAsia.

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Jun 11Liked by Roger Boyd

The 1917 option is still there for the european peoples. The choice then was to lead the victims of colonialism in defeating imperialism; a century later, the aforesaid victims, having defeated imperialism themselves, are ready to join hands with the proletariat of the metropolis at last.

All that they have to do is throw off the traces of the racism the imperialism nurtured and turn on their ancient enemies- the ruling class that stole their lands from them before stealing the rest of the world.

The Euro right is reduced to its old trick of offering the working people not the full fruits of their labour but a share of the loot taken from their neighbours. After that it has nothing, except Gestapo repression and concentration camps left to offer.

Underlying the appeal of the AfDs, Front Nationals, Melonis and Farages is the weird idea that immigrants and even asylum seekers, victims of imperialist wars and sanctions, are to blame for what the ruling class is doing to the people. Everyone knows better but the easy way out is to pretend to be convinced that the ruling class sees them as part of a national family. And has, suddenly, begun to care about their fate.

Even the lost sectarian parts of the left must be waking up, at last, to an understanding of how much the historic opportunity of 'Corbynism' offered. Such conjunctures in national politics arise but rarely- the ruling classes understand this and act accordingly, which is why they rule.

The good thing about Europe's decline is that its ability to infect and corrupt other cultures is diminished- the Far Right might be rising in America's Empire but not beyond it where popular forces are ascending. A part of the world is inspired by Israel and in awe of its capacity to massacre women and children. Another, larger, part is inspired by the Resistance , the courage and the determination of the damned.

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