The problem is capitalism- a mode of production in which a tiny elite, amazingly but undoubtedly uttterly indifferent to the effects of their actions on the bulk of humanity or even the planet itself, organise society in the interests of their own greed: capitalism exists to make profits for capital, not to produce food or raiment, to provide employment or to prevent catastrophes.

The question of how to address the threats to our environment can only begin with our taking control over the economy in all its aspects and directing it in the interests of earth and its inhabitants.

It doesn't matter what 'our' governments, academics or scientists propose, what matters is that they begin by assuming the preservation of a capitalist system. Suffice it to say that regardless of the measures that capitalist controlled governments may take to mitigate them the degeneration and eventual destruction of the environment is haed wired into the system.

Capitalist industry began with the holocaust of working class lives that allowed the accumulation of great profits by devouring the unreplaced labour of, inter alia, young children, its entire history has been a succession of acts aimed at impoverishing through the exploitation of human labour and natural resources without any attempt to understand or control the impact.

Our first need is to seek to understand, through scientific enquiries uncontrolled by capitalists, what the problems facing us are and how best to solve them. This cannot be done in a world in which those who cause the problems control not only the governing structures which will have to be employed to deal with those problems but also the intellectual infrastructure which is needed to assist in establishing the truth about what requires to be done in the interests not of tiny cliques of capitalists blinded by greed and their apologists but of humanity within its sustaining environment. We have to choose between capitalists and insects. And the choice is very easy- the insects play an important role in the ecosystem, the capitalists do not.

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Is anyone analyzing the emissions produced by recent military operations, Roger? I think there's a compelling argument for peace around climate change, but I haven't found great information on this.

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I got a far better suggestion.. …. Do Nothing!..

Let’s halt all action on these wild and crazy NetZero solutions and focus on our current technologies to recover our prosperity and industries.

The facts so far show no trends on climate impact on our civilizations that some solid adaption cannot easily fix. Mitigation of CO2 and the rush to replace fossil fuels is foolish and will cost far more lives and hardship. Plus, we are wasting our wealth on all this NetZero. Its time for common sense to prevail.

Until it is proved we have a problem, why are we wasting time and money on it?

Time to change to governments that get it!

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Maybe if you are an utter delusional person who rejects basic science. That will then just put you on the same level as those who reject the basic science of sex differences. Post modernism is such a pain in the ass, on both ends of the political scale.

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