If I were SBF I would be very worried. FTX was an utter scam from start to finish. The crew running it were all obvious morons and that will be their excuse. 'We were all wrapped up in this thing and it got out of hand!' Maybe they'll do some time. But someone has to pay and that's SBF. The real manipulators of FTX can't afford SBF spilling the beans - or even testifying as he'll be exposed for the utter moronic fake he is - so that can't happen. Best he Epsteins himself so all those untidy questions don't get asked. The MSM has already laid the groundwork for his epitaph.

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great overview roger.. thank you..

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Excellent article, exposing the core of the game: enrichment of the rich through corruption, war profiteering, stealing tax money from the people, and money laundering. This is what the people of the earth need to be made aware of.

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Very good.

I'm going to have to look into this substack thing

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