Sep 21Liked by Roger Boyd

The lesson here is a very old one. And one understood by socialists since the C19th. An essential part of building organisations to challenge capitalism is the construction of a radical, democratic political education apparatus.

The German SPD, much maligned historically, understood this and its institutions amounted to a state within the state, a siege engine built against the walls of the system. The same was true of the socialist and trade union movements around the world- the first priority was always to construct channels of communication between the working class and the socialists that would by-pass the capitalists system of idoctrination and propaganda.

Hence The Daily Herald, for years Briatian's biggest selling daily and run by socialists (Siegfried Sssoon was literary editor for a time). Hence the Appeal to Reason in the United States. Humanite in France.

We should and easily could, sell our own books, run our own magazines, build our own search engines, organise our own Universities and schools at every level. these are the real and proper tasks of a socialist party to enable the mobilisation of the enormous intellectual and artistic potential of democracy, unencumbered by the bourgeoisie's need to cater to individual greed and obeisance to the idiocy of hierarchy.

As to Amazon: it is sad but entirely predicatble. It would be suicidal for the scoundrels who exploit humanity and risk the future of the planet to allow the free debate and untramelled discussions which would obviously conclude that the assets that they owned and used to enrich themselves should be under public ownership and democratic control.

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I stopped reviewing China books ten years ago, after making the same discovery.

The topper was when they gave Hillary Clinton's bs book 'It Takes a Village,' 72,000 five star ratings!

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I am wondering, how safe is Substack? I am working on something which will be highly controversial, will let it out in a few weeks when I have accumulated a few more readers, it will be interesting to see the response.

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We will see, their defined business model is to provide voices to more independent views of society but we will see.

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A true problem…. And driven by fear.

Fear of lawsuits or the ire of government, and national governments growing fearful of losing control of its population.

Any views on religion, culture, climate change, race, or extreme politics, will trigger the alarm.

Yet in the same time window we have increased crime, open borders, and reduced prosperity, and the breakdown in social order.

Its about…we can’t fix it ….so let’s stop talking about it

It means the end of western civilization as we know it, and its our own fault.

Sad … and I am glad I am toward the end of my life and sometimes feel glad I don’t have kids… …. which is also sad.

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Freedom of the press belongs to him who owns the press. I hope you have a plan for if and when substack follows the rest of social media into censoring wrong think. Domains cost like $20/year and static web hosting can be as cheap as $1/month, or $4/month if you want scripting, comment database, etc. Domains can be blocked, but much less likely for that to happen to a small operation like yours than for social media to cancel you.

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Sep 22·edited Sep 22Author

My own government is passing a law called "The Online Harms Act" using pure doublespeak saying that it "would establish a baseline standard to keep young people safe online and uphold freedom of expression". By the time they come for Substack my concern will be more about living in a foreign jurisdiction. We may be online, but the state can always deal with your physical being.

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Sep 22·edited Sep 22Liked by Roger Boyd

You must know how to behave... just stay in your lane and donèt rock the woke boat matey.... you must realize we now live in a post industrialized and post national society that now follows the rules of social post modernism... when you want a view we will give it to you. You must follow the teachings of the UN and the WEF and put aside any views that show off your western values in case you harm others around you.

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The person behind the curtain speaks! :-)

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place your vote with due care next time eh?

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