I'm Chinese Cdn EE and after Huawei, Binance & now BYD, guess where I'm taking my talents 🛅

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My ex-wife's brother went back to Hong Kong after experiencing the wonders of Canadian innovation and sclerotic and mediocre management (in both business and private sectors). On top of that we can now add anti-Chinese security state paranoia. Your opportunities will be much greater in China, and you will be better appreciated.

The sad thing is that even the hated Harper significantly improved relations with China, all now thrown away by the Liberals.

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do you think the conservatives or any gov't in canada today is going to act differently?? i don't..

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Of course not! The Conservatives, NDP and even the Green Party are all fully paid up members of the delusional China-hatred brigade. Certain things are accepted, and off the table for acceptable dialogue, by the political elite - China hating, Russia hating, Iran hating, Israel supporting, Ukraine supporting, Taiwan supporting, Mass immigration, US vassalage.

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Thanks Roger .

It is illuminating how woeful are the Western efforts concerning EVs. It shows their shallow commitment to anything that might mitigate against climate change and what a disaster the current de-industrialisation is becoming. The modern Western economies are now just a parade of rent-seeking, wishful thinking, smoke and mirrors and an aversion for getting their hands dirty. The only thing they now make is trouble. The hubris is scary to behold and I can't see it turning around.

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Canada has a Minister of Innovation, Science and Industry would you believe it, a chap named François-Philippe Champagne - who worked as a lawyer and senior counsel for some companies (ABB and AMEC) and was designated as a WEF "Young Global Leader" (globe trotted Italy, Switzerland and the UK for two decades). Returned to Canada to ride Trudeau's coat tails to take a Quebec seat in 2015.

After failing as Foreign Minister he was moved to his current position. The guy is a lawyer who thinks that he knows technology, and is a very aggressive and naive salesman. This puff piece says as much:


These are the kind of people that inhabit the Canadian Liberal government. Compare that to his counterparts in China, South Korea, Vietnam, Taiwan.

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I would rather say that western EVs are stuck behind the West side of the Berlin Wall. Material conditions for East Germans was better than that of West Germans for a while.

Amazing how far in the lead China is while the US can't even get to the start line.

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I read how the East German social state was trashed and its industries sold for a song to Western industrialists, while East Germans were bribed with the massively overvalued conversion rate for the Ost Mark. A combination of the best parts of East and West would have greatly benefitted both.

Its actually just a North American Wall, as Europe has been more intelligent about their tariffs and letting in Chinese manufacturing sites. Biden really caused problems when he pressured Ford with respect to its planned CATL supplier plant. A Trump presidency may very well allow the establishment of Chinese EV plants, which would be the cherry on top for Canadian humiliation.

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Inside China Business reports that China is closely controlling export of graphite, both natural an synthetic.

Graphite is essential component of EV batteries, comprising the terminals and other critical parts.

No Graphite, no batteries.....


The NATO subsidies are $$ down the toilet....

WRT the Telegram saga...

Best if Durov and his team gave the keys to the SCO....




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It’s unsurprising Canada followed the rest of the west’s strategy, but it was a poor decision and will ultimately only set back western EV competitiveness even further.

The Chinese EV supply chain is unparalleled the world over and the only way to one day beat it is to embrace it now.

Read more here:


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Who cares about EVs ..Its a technology that's not ready and lets hope we get away from NetZero as soon as possible....

The current Canadian government will be ousted in a short while and we will reverse all the stupidity that has taken place and kill our bad decisions and move on.

We don't need China its all been bad news for North America... we need to work more tightly inside our own localized trade bloc.

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This is the classic North America centric mistaken view of reality. EV sales are absolutely booming, and are now cost competitive with ICE cars in China. Hence the destruction of the foreign auto makers in China, and South East Asia, who are not EV competitive. China is the biggest car market in the world and with South-East Asia the fastest growing. The major auto makers, Toyota, VW, Honda, BMW, Mercedes, Stellantis sell the majority of their cars outside North America and rely on them for profitability. Without those profits they are not viable.

Even GM sold 2.1 million cars in China in 2023, that's after its global sales fell from 10 million (2016) to 6 million (2023). Those China sales are collapsing, and with them the profit stream back to GM. It made billions on its Chinese sales as late as 2018, now losing money in China. They already pulled out of Europe. With the Chinese also flooding South-East Asia, Australia and South America, GM global sales could easily fall to under 4 million by end of 2026, with nearly 3 million of those in the US and Canada.

Ford global sales also fell from 6.65 million (2016) to 4.4 million (2023), with only 2.2 million of those in the US and Canada. They will lose an additional 200,000 in China, the Chinese are hammering the Aussie market (88,000) and Ford is in trouble in Europe (518,000) and the Chinese are also invading Latin America (200,000). So could be approaching 3 million sales by end 2026, with 2/3rds in US+Canada. Stellantis US only sells 1.5 million cars, and Stellantis in general sells 6 million cars - half of them in Europe.

US+Canada (and Japan for the Japanese manufacturers) is a stable slow-growing market, with no ability to offset the massive sales losses in China, South-East Asia, Oceania, MENA, Latin America and even Europe. A North American car trade bloc will simply produce weak car manufacturers that require constant government subsidies and localized high prices for cars that will be falling behind those sold outside the bloc. A NA version of East Germany.

Just like King Canute, you cannot stop the tide. EVs are taking over the car industry very rapidly whether you like it or not. North America practising a version of the clientelist Import Substitution Industrialization will end up with the same results. Its why China welcomed China/Western JVs and government subsidies combined with brutal domestic competition, and leapt on EVs when it realized that's how China could leap frog the West's advantages in the ICE. Then it let Tesla have a fully owned manufacturing site to really force the Chinese manufacturers to shape up.

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If you want me to buy a car I need to make it not import it and it wont be an EV its just not useful.

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