As I have stated in previous posts, here, here, here and here, South American nations have been in a continuous contest between the landed oligarchs, financiers and foreign capitalists on one side and the modernizing nationalist bourgeoisie on the other since their independence from Spain and Portugal; and the former keep winning. There have been periods of success for the latter, as with the Import Substitution Industrialization (ISI) model of the post-WW2 period, but every time these have been crushed by the latter and the nations plundered and de-industrialized back to the status of agricultural product and natural resource exporters dominated by foreign interests.
In Argentina, after 15 years of recovering from the destruction of the oligarch-shill Menem, the country was trashed by another shill, Mauricio Macri who removed the foreign exchange controls to facilitate elite capital flight and once again indebted Argentina to the IMF; to the tune of US$50 billion. The following Fernandez government did not have it in them to default on this openly fraudulent loan and ended up governing over a continued economic mess. The exasperated population has now picked the carefully created image of Milei, an international financier and oligarchic tool made to look like an “outsider”. The Argentinian population will rue the day they elected this ruling class shill.
Milei is also slavishly pro-US, even wanting to dollarize the Argentinian economy (just as Menem attempted to do), so any thoughts of a new South American progressive collective or a strong BRICS Plus have had a fork stuck in them. With its pre-industrial oligarchs, South America will never provide an offset to US power just as with BRICS Plus; that will continue to be the role of EurAsia and BRINCISSTAN. The future of Argentina will be “back to the future” in a steroid-exacerbated form, with the best forecast being this documentary of the Menem years and Argentina’s sad history:
That is true but the reality was that the third candidate was just sass right wing (well almost) as Milei she was calling for a South American NATO led by the US. Between her and Milei there was a clear majority. It was not a surprise that the ideological alliance held, not least because the Peronist was an uninspiring campaigner.
Here's the link. Lots about Milei here