First class work. Many thanks.

My field of study is Chinese governance and I would very much like to see your review of that country.

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First class work. Many thanks.

My field of study is Chinese governance and I would very much like to see your review of that country.

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Thankyou! Anastasia Ufimtseva and I have a paper in Energy Policy, "Facilitating peaceful rise: The increasing role of geopolitics and domestic legitimacy in China's energy policy" that covers part of what will be in the China chapter.

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Thanks!! I'll run an excerpt of it in my weekly newsletter.

A suggestion: "the ruling Chinese Communist Party (CCP)" isn't called 'CCP,' isn't a party, and doesn't rule.

It's one of many communist parties, so it's called the Communist Party of China, CPC.

The US is and has always been a republic and a one-party state that embraces the doctrine of capitalism more fervently than the Chinese espouse socialism. Factionalism was twice China’s undoing before they learned their lesson and forbade factionalism forever. While no longer tolerate factions in government, we do, despite the fact that factions almost destroyed America in the Civil War and is destroying America again today.

As to 'air pollution threatens domestic legitimacy,' it threatens China's domestic legitimacy today no more than it threatened Britain's in the 1950s, when 100,000 people died from air pollution on a weekend.

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Wow Roger.

This is a big text and unexpected as I examine opened browser windows.

Thank you.


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