A couple of days ago I watched Yanis Varoufakis, who was the Greek finance minister during the Greek debt crisis, explain the fake electricity market (video below, 2.08 mins to 26 mins and 52 mins to 56 mins) that has been put in place by the European Union; designed to reap major profits for the energy companies during supply shortages while the state protects the energy companies during periods of excess supply.
"The removal of Russian gas supplies would still be a problem, but nowhere near the scale of the current crisis and would be the subject of national-level discussions."
If the Europeans were smart enough to ditch neoliberalism and finance capitalism, there would never have been a problem with Russia in the first place.
Thank you. This is an invaluable introduction to an important feature of the neo-liberal cannibalism under which we live.
"The removal of Russian gas supplies would still be a problem, but nowhere near the scale of the current crisis and would be the subject of national-level discussions."
If the Europeans were smart enough to ditch neoliberalism and finance capitalism, there would never have been a problem with Russia in the first place.