The European nations that are talking about increasing their own “boots on the ground” in Ukraine have a major issue with the number of fighting-age Ukrainian men that are living as refugees in their countries. The citizens of France, Germany, Poland, Britain etc. may quite well ask why their own citizens are dying “for Ukraine” when actual Ukrainian fighting-age men are residing in their countries many times supported by the state; a question that will only get worse if the number of body bags returning home escalates. Now forcing refugees to return home is against international law, and quite possibly national laws, but when did the European elite have a problem with breaking laws when it suits them?
In my notes section I have been regularly reporting on the scale of the Ukrainian manpower losses, now in the region of 2,000 to 2,500 per day (60,000 to 75,000 per month) and only getting worse as the Russian military increases the pressure across the whole front line. In addition, the continuing colossal losses of artillery pieces (up to 900 a month!) and the lack of armoured vehicles and air cover only serve to exacerbate the trend of increasing manpower losses. While at the same time the Russian forces increase in manpower and all areas of equipment. Without a major new source of military personnel, which the new Ukrainian recruitment law is not providing, the losses being sustained by the Ukrainian army are not sustainable for even a few months.
So will the European nations turn on the fighting-age male Ukrainian refugees, rounding them up and sending them off to die for the Western Empire? Poland and Lithuania have already stated that they will help the “Ukrainian authorities return men subject to military conscription to the country” but have not yet put in place any concrete procedures to fulfil such statements. Poland is the nation with the most Ukrainian refugees, with about 1 million refugees. The 41% that are school children, plus their mothers and single women will be much more easy to integrate into Polish culture and society, while especially the single men may cause significant problems. By sending back to Ukraine at least the single Ukrainian fighting-age men, Poland may be killing multiple birds with a single policy. Other European nations may see it the same way, especially when there will be no pictures of fathers being dragged away from their children. The other European nations with large numbers of Ukrainian refugees are Germany (over 1 million), Czechia (nearly 400,000 among a national population of 10.6 million), and the UK (250,000).
These numbers may rapidly escalate as 2024 progresses and Russia makes greater and greater progress on the front line, and the Ukrainian power grid (which provides a large amount of combined heat and power output) is to all intents and purposes wrecked as winter approaches. But with the the extreme measures being taken by the Ukrainian authorities to stop males leaving the country, even mining border areas with friendly nations, those refugees will be overwhelmingly women and children that will be useful in offsetting Europe’s demographic challenges.
The pictures of large numbers of Ukrainian military-age men happily strolling in to watch the Ukraine-Romania match in Munich, Germany may not resonate with Germans too well in the future if German body bags start returning home. Or even if yet more state funds are thrown at Ukraine while state social spending continues to be cut.
What happens if Russia wins the Ukrainian War, with the Ukrainian military and state collapsing? Will Europe still want all those single and childless Ukrainian men in its midst? A major headache will be of course the sheer scale of the numbers involved, even 100,000 such men with support from the other refugees would be a major social instability issue. In Germany, with its history, the sight of those of a single ethnic group being shipped to their deaths may also be too much for the liberal elites; although a CDS/CDU-AfD government may not have such qualms. In Poland, the Baltic States, Czechia and the UK it may not be so.
There is an increasing groundswell of support to a “Ukrainians go home” message, especially with respect to fighting-age Ukrainian men; as well as Ukrainians in general. This poll that covers Poland and Hungary shows that supporters for refugees “are down significantly in both countries from when the question was last asked in 2022, following the Russian invasion of Ukraine.” The welcome mat has certainly become tattered over time, as reported here
A recent report from Save the Children found that children from Ukraine reported facing increased discrimination and bullying since leaving home, while some reported being “picked on” in the street for speaking Ukrainian.
Some refugees told the charity that the welcome in their host countries had changed over time, with one child stating: “If you go on the street speaking Ukrainian or Russian, they can pick on you. We have bad words written about Ukraine near our school.”
One message to the aid workers stated: “I’ll slap every Ukrainian citizen and give you a load of s***… you scumbag. In Romania, there are kids going to bed hungry and old people who nobody can even give a cup of water to, and you come with volunteering for foreigners.” A sentiment which can only get worse as European governments cut domestic state social spending, as the German government recently did. Recently Rod Stewart was booed at a concert in Germany for showing his support for Ukraine.
The deep racism of many of the Ukrainian refugees, and other serious integration issues for Ukrainians in liberal western nations, are issues that are to all intents and purposes ignored by the mainstream media.
Western MSM coverage of Ukrainian refugees has greatly diminished over time, and tends to focus on women and children rather than fighting-age men.
The Ukrainian government has taken action to attempt to force Ukrainian men to return through a ban on the issuing of new passport and the provision of non-emergency consular services to Ukrainian men of fighting age who reside abroad. This affects between 600,000 and 850,000 Ukrainian men (which would feed the Russian meat grinder for perhaps 10 months), even those that legally emigrated years previously. We are seeing an increasing openness in the Western establishment media about the parlous state of the Ukrainian army and its desperate need for more men, from many European nations within the past few days. This one from the BBC is indicative, in which the desperate need for more men is combined with the inability of the Ukrainian recruitment officers to find/kidnap new conscripts.
Or this from France 24:
Or this from the German DW News:
Or this from the Canadian CBC News:
And this only a month ago from the German DW News covering how Ukraine wants its military age men to return back to Ukraine to die for the Western Empire.
At the least we should expect European governments to make it harder and harder for Ukrainian refugees, especially childless fighting-age men, to remain in their nations. They may also stop turning a blind eye to refugee violence against citizens, instead seeing such things as opportunities to send the biggest trouble makers to the Ukrainian front. As the Ukrainian army starts to disintegrate the European nations will have to face up to the Ukrainian refugee rubicon, the mass expulsion of childless Ukrainian fighting age men. If they cross that rubicon it will be a pointer that the European elites are continuing on a path of dangerous escalation with Russia; on the cusp of committing major echelons of their own troops. Echelons that Russia has repeatedly stated will be fair game for the devastating levels of Russian firepower available.
Bravo. An excellent article. As for the "Western Elites." it does look like most of them will be unemployed by the summer.
All the burly 'recruitment officers', eager to force others to
become cannon fodder, should volunteer to go to The Front:
lead by example... And i'll bet many a politician has a son, or
young male relative, safely ensconced as a border guard...