The United States is like an abusive, narcissistic uncle that just knows that you will always need him; he is the indispensable uncle that just requires that you accept his authority by saying “uncle” otherwise he will sadly have to increase the level of abuse until you either “get the message” or die from the abuse. The vast majority of the world’s population understands this, whether it be the Latin Americans cheated out of democracy again and again, the Africans who had their post-independence dreams destroyed, the Middle Eastern modernizing and secular states that were eradicated, the Vietnamese that died in their millions to rid themselves of US occupation, the people of Gaza being murdered by US bombs and shells, or the Chinese, Russians and Iranians who face the wrath of the US for not understanding their place. The last thing they want is for the US to be “great” again, and they certainly do not see it as indispensable or a shining city on a hill, as the US political elite claim again and again in the form of religious-style mantras.
US politicians, policy makers and even international relations scholars accept this abusive, narcissistic narrative as they waffle on about a “Liberal International Order” where the US acts as the mafia-boss who makes the rules while not being subject to them, and bloviate about the decrepit “shining city” that must deliver its “gift” of liberal democratic capitalism to the world’s unwashed. Just as they did to the Amerindians in their three century war of extermination, ethnic cleansing and land theft, as they established the “new Jerusalem” of ethnic supremacy; personified by the racist bigot President Wilson who spun a good yarn about “freedom” while bringing the very opposite to not only many foreigners but also the US population. It was he who placed the velvet glove of sweet words about “Western culture” over the hard, racist fist.
So yes, the vast majority of humanity just want the US to go away and leave them to manage their own affairs. The problem with abusive narcissists is that they can turn into “family destroyers”, wiping out the rest of the family because they just know that the family (i.e. humanity) cannot survive without them. If they are to go away, then so must humanity. When those wanting a faster rate of change complain about the careful and patient diplomacy and actions of Russia, Iran and China, they must remember the dangerous lunatic that those nations are dealing with; one that can make humanity disappear with it if it so decides, in a global murder suicide. Anyone looking at the current psychopathic thrashings of the Israeli state must hold no flights of fancy about a US where a quarter of the population still believe in a heretical bible Armageddon fantasy, and its elite are wedded to their global dominance. Such lunatics have to be carefully managed and slowly subdued in order to reduce the possibilities of self-destructive and psychopathic rage-induced paroxysms.
Please Make America Go Away, as peacefully as possible.
I don't know that one should hold this against the general population. After all, they are own3d and propagandized beyond imagination. But yes, that general population has to - at some point - become part of the solution or else they are in the way, allies to the powers that be.
Agreed on why Russia, China, the adults in the room must go slow. I can't imagine what their higher level meetings are like. How do they discuss possibilities? Do they eat mushrooms and get drunk so as to somehow find understanding of the West? What would one have to do to get into Baerbock's mindset. Or Judge Chutan? Or Jack Smith?
From another angle, I realized today that maybe the biological/psychological reason for the psychopaths is that they can step in when everything goes to hell and that might be a survival edge for humanity as a whole - what little bit is left of it. (I've been wondering for a long time what their "purpose" is.) Regardless of that, the psychopaths will not walk away; this is what the Duran mean when they say "no reverse gear". So either they will drive events to crisis and failure OR non-psychopaths have to remove them. Malcolm X spoke of "The Ballot or the Bullet"; he was dead on.
They will not go away on their own. What would Gandhi do?
The other angle big on my mind of late is EROEI - energy return on energy invested. When there is no more growth, then the only way to get more is to steal it from each other. That spells the end of Rule of Law and we move into barbarism - perfect for the psychoplaths, eh? Which gets back to their survival edge.
Imagine a world where instead of every human having Gengis Khan's DNA everyone has Anthony Blinken's DNA?!
"When those wanting a faster rate of change complain about the careful and patient diplomacy and actions of Russia, Iran and China, they must remember the dangerous lunatic that those nations are dealing with; one that can make humanity disappear with it if it so decides, in a global murder suicide."
This. Exactly.