I am neither a medical doctor nor a natural sciences researcher, so of course nothing below should be taken as medical advice. It is rather my understanding of reality after much review of the available evidence and an understanding of the political economy of such things. I rarely comment on such topics, but the levels of MSM and MSAM BS on the matter, together with the possible large-scale effects on especially Western populations, prodded me to write about the reality of COVID.
The Mainstream Media (MSM) have followed a narrative that COVID is a dangerous virus, but that with the “safe” and “well tested” MRNA “vaccines” it is safe to move back to business as usual and treat COVID as just another seasonal disease. The Mainstream Alternative Media (MSAM) have followed a narrative that COVID is “just like the flu” and/or created as a biological warfare agent in a state laboratory, and that the MRNA “vaccines” are highly dangerous and possibly part of a global elite depopulation conspiracy.
The reality is somewhere in between.
To My Knowledge The Actual Facts
COVID is a real systemic disease that can cause very significant long-term issues which include damage to the heart, lungs and brain.
The MRNA gene therapy may reduce the possibility of having severe COVID symptoms that result in an individual requiring intensive care, and may somewhat reduce infection rates, BUT it is not a vaccine in the classic sense as it does not neutralize COVID and does not completely stop an individual from becoming infected/reinfected nor from suffering long term significant symptoms.
The MRNA gene therapy is a gene therapy that is inherently extremely difficult to ascertain as safe for widespread use, and it has become apparent that the MRNA COVID therapies were not anywhere near as fully tested as they should have been. There does seem to be a much greater level of complications with the MRNA gene therapy than with normal vaccines.
COVID, and quite possibly the MRNA gene therapy, dis-regulates the immune system opening up an individual to an inability to combat other diseases that an individual would have otherwise been able to fight off or at least have lesser symptoms after becoming infected. If the MRNA gene therapy does in fact also cause immune dis-regulation, then it will act to intensify the immune dis-regulation of the COVID infected.
All of the above would tend to produce an ongoing level of excess deaths and increasing levels of physically and/or mentally disabled people within the population now that Western governments have decided to allow its free roam among the general population. With mass levels of repeat infections reduced in the public eye by a severe reduction in public health measurements, and a policy of “just take another MRNA ‘vaccination’”.
This will be made worse by a lack of general public health direction to boost immune systems through such OTC vitamins and minerals as Vitamin D and K, Zinc and Selenium, an official downplaying of alternative therapies, and an official disinformation campaign playing down the dangers of COVID infection, and especially reinfection.
We do not know where COVID came from. Even if we accept that COVID was the result of the happenings within a lab, we do not know which lab. Given the severe mismanagement of a number of bio-labs and the funding of gain of function research, especially within the US and funded by the US state (including research at the Wuhan lab), COVID could have been a product of a number of labs. The closure of the Fort Detrick biological facility in mid-2019 has been shrouded in secrecy under US state security laws, for instance. Given the cover up of data both in the US and China we will probably never know who patient zero was.
The US Centre for Disease Control, and the World Health Organization have been shown to be both incompetent and highly misleading and disingenuous in their announcements. For example the rejection of the reality that COVID is an airborne virus, shutting down early discussions of the probability of the virus being from a laboratory, downplaying natural immunity after a COVID infection (especially as protective against the severe critical illness for 10 months) to push the MRNA “vaccine”, and typifying a human medicine as “horse medicine”. Most recently in calling an “all clear” when no such situation exists.
The Consequences
The COVID virus will continue to circulate among the population creating reinfection after reinfection with increasing levels of disability, possibly made worse by MRNA gene therapy side effects and immune dis-regulation.
These effects will tend to hit the Western populations more given the lack of proper public health measures during the early years of the pandemic, the extensive use of the MRNA gene therapies (now on their sixth or seventh booster shots), and the generally lower levels of health and fitness; especially in North America. Countries such as China, where the public health response was much more effective (and did not include the MRNA gene therapies) and where alternative pharmaceutical and traditional therapies are more accepted, and with a much healthier and fitter population generally, may experience much lesser effects. Another nail in the coffin of US, and Western, global dominance.
The result will be a workforce which is increasingly stricken with physical and mental disabilities, at a time when Western governments have already cut back on healthcare provision and are set to cut back in that provision even further. And of course, continued amounts of excess deaths exacerbating the low birth rates of many Western nations.
The increases in mental and physical disabilities may not at first be recognized within economic statistics as increases in required care for such individuals may at first increase those costs counted as economic output; especially in the US where healthcare is predominantly profit based.
There will also always be the possibility of a “BAD” version of the virus being created given the free rein that it has been given to replicate among the human population.
Apart from Dr. John Campbell above who has many excellent guests on his YouTube channel, there is a very good commentator with the handle of IM Doc on the site Naked Capitalism (which itself provides very good coverage of the whole COVID debacle). Here is a piece recently written by IM Doc about what he currently is seeing in the US.
A very useful posting, which must have involved connsiderable time and effort.
To add some historical perspective for readers, the opposition to vaccinations or public health measures of most kinds has been a signature policy of ultra right wing groups in the States for a long time. They opposed giving polio shots to school children, for example. And they fought for years against the "communist plot" of adding flouride to drinking water.
And in many of their campaigns they have been backed by the powerful and wealthy medical lobby, including the AMA and the Physicians and Surgeons.
The great fear of these class conscious capitalists is that medical care should become- as it was for a time in the British NHS and Ontario's OHIP- free to the consumer and freed of corporate profit making.
This obsession with fighting Free Healthcare always outlasts the apparent defeat of interests which dream of the opportunity of cashing in on the fear of premature death: wherever Healthcare has been removed from the marketplace and turned into a human service, the capitalists have fought to recapture it for their interests. And today, in the UK and Canada- both countries where the government Healthcare system was insanely popular and seen as a 'third rail' in electoral politics- the re-privatisation of hospitals and clinics, and the commercialisation of life saving procedures and drugs is almost complete.
When Covid arrived itt seemed axiomatic to me, an optimist, that it would mean theat the Health Insurance programmes that most Presidents from Roosevelt and Truman on have pushed for would overcome the selfishness of the Medical lobby and the capitalist class. I was wrong.
Instead Covid has simply bred more and more extravagant conspiracy theories which have proved to be an intellectual pandemic besides which the virus itself pales in comparison. Long Covid cum Eternal Covid.
I am grateful for your sane, thoughtful take on this.